Initial Configuration

Chapter 4. Initial Configuration

This chapter describes procedures for initial configuration of GFS and contains the following sections:


If you are using GFS with Red Hat Cluster, you can configure GFS with GFS Druid. For information about configuring and using GFS with Red Hat Cluster Suite, refer to Appendix A Using Red Hat GFS with Red Hat Cluster Suite.

4.1. Prerequisite Tasks

Before setting up the GFS software, make sure that you have noted the key characteristics of your GFS configuration (refer to Section 1.5 Before Configuring GFS) and have loaded the GFS modules into each GFS node (refer to Chapter 3 Installing GFS). In addition, if you are using GNBD multipath, make sure that you understand GNBD multipath considerations (refer to Section 6.4 GNBD Multipath Considerations for CCS Files and Section 11.2 Considerations for Using GNBD Multipath).