LOCK_GULM parameters

C.2. LOCK_GULM parameters

After naming the cluster, you must then configure the GFS LOCK_GULM parameters. The Grand Unified Lock Manager (GULM) is a centralized server-based locking and cluster state management for GFS file systems. Multiple lock servers can be configured for failover redundancy in the event of server failure. Figure C-2 shows the LOCK_GULM configuration screen.

Figure C-2. Configuring LOCK_GULM parameters

Allowed Misses specifies the number of responses that a node can consecutively miss before the lock server(s) declare the node expired. The default value is 2.

Heartbeat Rate sets the interval (in seconds) at which heartbeats are checked by the lock server(s). Two-thirds of this interval is the rate at which nodes send heartbeat messages to the lock server(s). The default rate is set at 15 seconds.

After configuring the LOCK_GULM parameters, click Forward to continue.