By default, quota accounting is enabled; therefore, GFS keeps track of disk usage for every user and group even when no quota limits have been set. Quota accounting incurs unnecessary overhead if quotas are not used. You can disable quota accounting completely by setting the quota_account tunable parameter to 0. This must be done on each node and after each mount. (The 0 setting is not persistent across unmounts.) Quota accounting can be enabled by setting the quota_account tunable parameter to 1.
fs_tool settune MountPoint quota_account {0|1}
Specifies the GFS file system to which the actions apply.
quota_account {0|1}
0 = disabled
1 = enabled
To enable quota accounting on a file system, the quota_account parameter must be set back to 1. Afterward, the GFS quota file must be initialized to account for all current disk usage for users and groups on the file system. The quota file is initialized by running: gfs_quota init -f MountPoint.
Initializing the quota file requires scanning the entire file system and may take a long time.
This example disables quota accounting on file system /gfs on a single node.
gfs_tool settune /gfs quota_account 0
This example enables quota accounting on file system /gfs on a single node and initializes the quota file.
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