2.4. Global Cluster Properties

2.4. Global Cluster Properties

2.4. Global Cluster Properties

When a cluster is created, or if you select a cluster to configure, a cluster-specific page is displayed. The page provides an interface for configuring cluster-wide properties and detailed properties. You can configure cluster-wide properties with the tabbed interface below the cluster name. The interface provides the following tabs: General, Fence, Multicast, and Quorum Partition. To configure the parameters in those tabs, follow the steps in this section. If you do not need to configure parameters in a tab, skip the step for that tab.

  1. General tab — This tab displays cluster name, the configuration version, and advanced cluster properties. The parameters are summarized as follows:

    • The Cluster Name text box displays the cluster name; it does not accept a cluster name change. You cannot change the cluster name. The only way to change the name of a Red Hat cluster is to create a new cluster configuration with the new name.

    • The Configuration Version value is set to 1 by default and is automatically incremented each time you modify your cluster configuration. However, if you need to set it to another value, you can specify it at the Configuration Version text box.

    • You can enter advanced cluster properties by clicking Show advanced cluster properties. Clicking Show advanced cluster properties reveals a list of advanced properties. You can click any advanced property for online help about the property.

    Enter the values required and click Apply for changes to take effect.

  2. Fence tab — This tab displays the Fence Daemon Properties parameters: Post-Fail Delay and Post-Join Delay. The parameters are summarized as follows:

    • The Post-Fail Delay parameter is the number of seconds the fence daemon (fenced) waits before fencing a node (a member of the fence domain) after the node has failed. The Post-Fail Delay default value is 0. Its value may be varied to suit cluster and network performance.

    • The Post-Join Delay parameter is the number of seconds the fence daemon (fenced) waits before fencing a node after the node joins the fence domain. The Post-Join Delay default value is 3. A typical setting for Post-Join Delay is between 20 and 30 seconds, but can vary according to cluster and network performance.

    Enter values required and Click Apply for changes to take effect.


    For more information about Post-Join Delay and Post-Fail Delay, refer to the fenced(8) man page.

  3. Multicast tab — This tab displays the Multicast Configuration parameters: Let cluster choose the multicast address and Specify the multicast address manually. Red Hat Cluster software chooses a multicast address for cluster management communication among cluster nodes; therefore, the default setting is Let cluster choose the multicast address. If you need to use a specific multicast address, click Specify the multicast address manually, enter a multicast address into the text box, and click Apply for changes to take effect.

  4. Quorum Partition tab — This tab displays the Quorum Partition Configuration parameters: Do not use a Quorum Partition and Use a Quorum Partition. The default setting is Do not use a Quorum Partition. If you need to use a quorum disk, click Use a Quorum Partition, enter quorum disk parameters, and click Apply for changes to take effect.


    For more information about setting Quorum Partition parameters, refer to the qdisk(8) man page.

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