3.2. Managing Cluster Nodes

3.2. Managing Cluster Nodes

3.2. Managing Cluster Nodes

You can perform the following node-management functions through the luci server component of Conga:

  • Make a node leave or join a cluster.

  • Fence a node.

  • Reboot a node.

  • Delete a node.

To perform one the functions in the preceding list, follow the steps in this section. The starting point of the procedure is at the cluster-specific page that you navigate to from Choose a cluster to administer displayed on the cluster tab.

  1. At the detailed menu for the cluster (below the clusters menu), click Nodes. Clicking Nodes causes the display of nodes in the center of the page and causes the display of an Add a Node element and a Configure element with a list of the nodes already configured in the cluster.

  2. At the right of each node listed on the page displayed from the preceding step, click the Choose a task drop-down box. Clicking Choose a task drop-down box reveals the following selections: Have node leave cluster/Have node join cluster, Fence this node, Reboot this node, and Delete. The actions of each function are summarized as follows:

    • Have node leave cluster/Have node join clusterHave node leave cluster is available when a node has joined of a cluster. Have node join cluster is available when a node has left a cluster.

      Selecting Have node leave cluster shuts down cluster software and makes the node leave the cluster. Making a node leave a cluster prevents the node from automatically joining the cluster when it is rebooted.

      Selecting Have node join cluster starts cluster software and makes the node join the cluster. Making a node join a cluster allows the node to automatically join the cluster when it is rebooted.

    • Fence this node — Selecting this action causes the node to be fenced according to how the node is configured to be fenced.

    • Reboot this node — Selecting this action causes the node to be rebooted.

    • Delete — Selecting this action causes the node to be deleted from the cluster configuration. It also stops all cluster services on the node, and deletes the cluster.conf file from /etc/cluster/.

  3. Select one of the functions and click Go.

  4. Clicking Go causes a progress page to be displayed. When the action is complete, a page is displayed showing the list of nodes for the cluster.

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