Security Controls

1.2. Security Controls

Computer security is often divided into three distinct master categories, commonly referred to as controls:

  • Physical

  • Technical

  • Administrative

These three broad categories define the main objectives of proper security implementation. Within these controls are sub-categories that further detail the controls and how to implement them.

1.2.1. Physical Controls

Physical control is the implementation of security measures in a defined structure used to deter or prevent unauthorized access to sensitive material. Examples of physical controls are:

  • Closed-circuit surveillance cameras

  • Motion or thermal alarm systems

  • Security guards

  • Picture IDs

  • Locked and dead-bolted steel doors

  • Biometrics (includes fingerprint, voice, face, iris, handwriting, and other automated methods used to recognize individuals)

1.2.2. Technical Controls

Technical controls use technology as a basis for controlling the access and usage of sensitive data throughout a physical structure and over a network. Technical controls are far-reaching in scope and encompass such technologies as:

  • Encryption

  • Smart cards

  • Network authentication

  • Access control lists (ACLs)

  • File integrity auditing software

1.2.3. Administrative Controls

Administrative controls define the human factors of security. It involves all levels of personnel within an organization and determines which users have access to what resources and information by such means as:

  • Training and awareness

  • Disaster preparedness and recovery plans

  • Personnel recruitment and separation strategies

  • Personnel registration and accounting