- desktop entry files
- definition,
Overview of the Menu System
- desktop icons
- removing,
Removing Desktop Icons
- removing all,
Removing Desktop Icons
- volumes
- removing,
Removing Desktop Icons
- desktop menu
- removing,
Disabling Command Line Access
- directory entry files
- definition,
Overview of the Menu System
- disabling
- automounting,
Preventing Automounting of Drives
- disk writes,
Disabling File Saving
- file saving,
Disabling File Saving
- force quit,
Disabling Application Force Quit
- printing,
Disabling Printing Functionality
- disk writes
- disabling,
Disabling File Saving
- Lock Screen
- disable,
Disabling Lock Screen and Log Out
- key,
Disabling Lock Screen and Log Out
- lockdown
- desktop,
Locking Down the Desktop: Disabling GNOME Desktop Features
- disabling applets,
Disabling Applets
- Log Out
- disable,
Disabling Lock Screen and Log Out
- key,
Disabling Lock Screen and Log Out
- login
- automatic,
Automatic Login for Public Kiosks
- editing gdm.conf,
Editing the gdm.conf Configuration File
- gdmsetup,
Using the Login Screen Setup Tool
- Login Screen Setup Tool,
Using the Login Screen Setup Tool
- registering your subscription,
Activate Your Subscription
- remote
- desktop
- access,
Remote Desktop Access
- administration,
Remote Desktop Access
- Remote Desktop
- dialog,
Allowing Access
- gaining adminstrative access,
Gaining Remote Administrative Access
- rdesktop,
Connecting Using vncviewer
- settings,
Allowing Access
- Terminal Server Client,
Connecting Using Terminal Server Client
- vncviewer,
Connecting Using vncviewer
- remote desktop access,
Remote Desktop Access