Displaying a Service Configuration

4.2. Displaying a Service Configuration

In the Cluster Configuration Tool, the following information for a given <service> element is viewable directly on the Services tab (when the service configuration is fully expanded):

Figure 4-1. The Services Tab

  • Service name

  • Device special file name

  • Service IP address

  • NFS export and clients (if specified) for the device

You can display the failover domain, check interval, and user script name for a <service> by accessing its properties dialog box.

The Samba share name, mount point, file system type, and mount options for a service are displayed as the properties for a <device>.

You can view the permissions for NFS client access by displaying <client> properties.

To display the properties for an element in the cluster configuration, use any of the following methods:

  • Double-click the element name.

  • Select the element name and click Properties.

  • Select the element name and choose File => Properties.

For instructions on configuring a service using the Cluster Configuration Tool, refer to Section 3.10 Adding a Service to the Cluster.

To display cluster service status, refer to Section 8.2 Displaying Cluster and Service Status.