

Welcome to the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Reference Guide.

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux Reference Guide contains useful information about the Red Hat Enterprise Linux system. From fundamental concepts, such as the structure of the file system, to the finer points of system security and authentication control, we hope you find this book to be a valuable resource.

This guide is for you if you want to learn a bit more about how the Red Hat Enterprise Linux system works. Topics that you can explore within this manual include the following:

  • The boot process

  • The file system structure

  • The X Window System

  • Network services

  • Security tools

1. Changes To This Manual

This manual has been reorganized for clarity and updated for the latest features of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3. Some of the changes include:

A New FTP Chapter

The new FTP chapter explains the FTP protocol and provides a detailed list of configuration options for the default FTP server, vsftpd.

An Updated Network File System (NFS) Chapter

The Network File System (NFS) chapter has been completely revised and reorganized for clarity. Also, new features, such as TCP and access control list support have been added.

An Updated Modules Appendix

The Modules appendix has been completely overhauled. Instructions for the bonding module have been added which enable users to bind multiple network interface cards together as if they are one.

Updated Network Interfaces Chapter

The Network Interfaces chapter has been updated to include IPSec and bonding interfaces.

An Updated Apache HTTP Server Chapter

The guide for migrating from version 1.3 to version 2.0 of the Apache HTTP Server has been updated. The list of server configuration options has been further updated and reorganized. Special thanks to Gary Benson and Joe Orton for their hard work on the Apache HTTP Server migration guide.

An Updated The X Window System Chapter

The X Window System has been completely revised and reorganized for clarity. New font configuration instructions were added as well.

Updated Users and Groups Chapter

The Users and Groups chapter has been updated.

Before reading this guide, you should be familiar with the contents of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Installation Guide concerning installation issues, the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Introduction to System Administration for basic administration concepts, the Red Hat Enterprise Linux System Administration Guide for general customization instructions, and the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Security Guide for security related instructions. The Red Hat Enterprise Linux Reference Guide contains information about topics for advanced users.

HTML, PDF, and RPM versions of the manuals are available on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Documentation CD and online at


Although this manual reflects the most current information possible, read the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Release Notes for information that may not have been available prior to our documentation being finalized. They can be found on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux CD #1 and online at