Activating/Deactivating a Pool Volume

5.6. Activating/Deactivating a Pool Volume

The pool_assemble command activates or deactivates pools on a node.


The pool_assemble command must be run on every node that accesses shared pools; also, it must be run each time a node reboots. You can use the pool init.d script included with GFS to automatically run the pool_assemble command each time a node reboots. For more information about GFS init.d scripts, refer to Chapter 12 Using GFS init.d Scripts.

The pool_assemble command only activates pools from devices visible to the node (those listed in /proc/partitions/). Disk labels created by the pool_tool command are scanned to determine which pools exist and, as a result, should be activated. The pool_assemble command also creates device nodes in the /dev/pool/ directory for devices it has activated.

5.6.1. Usage

Activating a Pool Volume

pool_assemble -a [PoolName]


Specifies the pool to activate. More than one name can be listed. If no pool names are specified, all pools visible to the system are activated.

Deactivating a Pool Volume

pool_assemble -r [PoolName]


Specifies the pool to deactivate. More than one name can be listed. If no pool names are specified, all pools visible to the system are deactivated.

5.6.2. Examples

This example activates all pools on a node:

pool_assemble -a

This example deactivates all pools on a node:

pool_assemble -r

This example activates pool0 on a node:

pool_assemble -a pool0

This example deactivates pool0 on a node:

pool_assemble -r pool0


The pool_assemble command must be run on every GFS node.

The pool_assemble command should be put into the node's system-startup scripts so that pools are activated each time the node boots.


You can use GFS init.d scripts included with GFS to automate activating and deactivating pools. For more information about GFS init.d scripts, refer to Chapter 12 Using GFS init.d Scripts.