Using the shutil Utility

F.2. Using the shutil Utility

Test the quorum partitions and ensure that they are accessible by invoking the shutil utility with the -p option.

Running /usr/sbin/shutil -p /cluster/header on all active cluster members should give the same output on each machine. For example:

/cluster/header is 144 bytes long
SharedStateHeader {
	ss_magic = 0x39119fcd
	ss_timestamp = 0x000000003f5d3eea (22:46:02 Sep 08 2003)
	ss_updateHost =

If the output of the shutil utility with the -p option is not the same on all cluster systems, perform the following:

  • Examine the /etc/sysconfig/rawdevices file on each cluster system and ensure that the raw character devices and block devices for the primary and backup quorum partitions have been accurately specified. If they are not the same, edit the file and correct any mistakes. Then re-run the cluconfig utility. Refer to Section 3.5 Editing the rawdevices File for more information.

  • Ensure that you have created the raw devices for the quorum partitions on each cluster system. Refer to Section Configuring Shared Cluster Partitions for more information.

  • On each cluster system, examine the system startup messages at the point where the system probes the SCSI subsystem to determine the bus configuration. Verify that both cluster systems identify the same shared storage devices and assign them the same name.

  • Verify that a cluster system is not attempting to mount a file system on the quorum partition. For example, make sure that the actual device (for example, /dev/sdb1) is not included in an /etc/fstab file.