Importing the Contents of an NFS Exports File

6.4. Importing the Contents of an NFS Exports File

The Bulk Load NFS feature allows you to import all the entries from an /etc/exports file without having to create the entries individually as children of a device. This can be convenient for administrators who are transitioning from traditional NFS server systems to a high-availability cluster. To use the Bulk Load NFS feature, follow these steps:

  1. Stop all non-clustered NFS exports (for example, /sbin/service nfs stop).

  2. Unmount the file systems on which the exports reside (for example, /bin/umount /mnt/nfs/, where /mnt/nfs is the directory on which the NFS exported partitions are mounted).

  3. Start the Cluster Configuration Tool.

  4. On the Services tab, select the device(s) to be loaded by the /etc/exports file.

  5. Choose File => Bulk Load NFS.

  6. Select the exports file that you want to load into the selected device (by default, the Bulk Load NFS dialog attempts to load /etc/exports), and click OK.

    All entries in the file specified in the Bulk Load NFS dialog box are subjected to the same validation as when an NFS export directory is manually specified. Any entries in the imported file that fail validation are displayed in a message box. Only entries that pass validation are loaded into the selected device.

  7. If the bulk load successfully completed, you must then remove all exports from the /etc/exports file so that it does not affect the cluster NFS services.

  8. Choose File => Save to save the change to the /etc/cluster.xml configuration file.