Additional Resources

26.7. Additional Resources

To learn more about the Apache HTTP Server, refer to the following resources.

26.7.1. Installed Documentation

  • /usr/share/docs/httpd-<version>/migration.html — The Apache Migration HOWTO document contains a list of changes from version 1.3 to version 2.0 as well as information about how to migration the configuration file manually.

26.7.2. Useful Websites

26.7.3. Related Books

  • Apache: The Definitive Guide by Ben Laurie and Peter Laurie; O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Reference Guide; Red Hat, Inc. — This companion manual includes instructions for migrating from Apache HTTP Server version 1.3 to Apache HTTP Server version 2.0 manually, more details about the Apache HTTP Server directives, and instructions for adding modules to the Apache HTTP Server.