Adjusting Pool Volume Multipathing

5.14. Adjusting Pool Volume Multipathing

The pool_mp command adjusts multipathing for running pools. Using the pool_mp command with the -m option, you can change the type of multipathing. Using the pool_mp command with the -r option, you can reintegrate failed paths.

5.14.1. Usage

Change the Type of Multipathing

pool_mp -m {none | failover | n} [PoolName]

{none | failover | n}

Specifies the type of multipathing to be used: either none, failover, or the number of kilobytes, n, used as a round-robin stripe value.


Specifies the pool on which to adjust multipathing. If no pool names are specified, this action is attempted on all active pools.

Reintegrate Failed Paths

pool_mp -r [PoolName]


Specifies the pool on which to attempt restoration of any failed paths. If no pool names are specified, this action is attempted on all active pools.

5.14.2. Examples

This example adjusts the multipathing for all pools to none.

pool_mp -m none

This example adjusts the multipathing for pool0 to failover.

pool_mp -m failover pool0

This example adjusts the multipathing for pool0 to round-robin with a stripe size of 512 KB.

pool_mp -m 512 pool0

This example restores failed paths for all active pools.

pool_mp -r